This skill building workshop at #eval14, the 2014 AEA conference, addressed five questions. What are the types of performance measures, and how are performance measures used? What is a logic model, and what are some examples of performance measurement use models? What are the obstacles to...
4. Developing Effective Performance Measures.pptx
: A key strategic priority of the Canadian Evaluation Strategy (CES) is to provide various knowledge mobilization platforms and networking opportunities (e.g., workshops, webinars, journal, conferences) through which evaluation practitioners and researchers learn about developments and...
CES Poster Presentation at AEA 2013 Conference.pdf
This is presentation slides for the Skill Building Workshop at AEA 2013 conference. The presenters of the workshop "Needs Assessment and Asset/Capacity Building" are: James. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling (Sonya) Hung, and Yi-Fang Lee. #SkillBuilding #NeedsAssessment #needs assessment #2013Conference
AEA 2013_Skill building Workshop_Needs Assessmentand Asset.pptx
Sponsored by the Evaluation Managers and Supervisors TIG Presenter(s): George Grob, Center for Public Program Evaluation, Ann Maxwell, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Abstract: This session will engage its participants in...
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