Biomedical research programs address questions vital to expanding knowledge and improving health, but are resource intensive. Therefore, careful consideration of the existing research environment during program planning is needed. We present how a combination of methods grounded in evaluation...
Using Eval Tools Methods Thinking in Planning_AEA 10-29-2016.pdf
Eval 2016 Session: Human Service personnel are often focused on the necessity of attending to funder and regulatory requirements and the immediate need of serving their clients. These daily rigors allow little time for reflection or staying cognizant of the relevant academic literature and...
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Grounded in people-centered, complexity-aware understandings of planning, monitoring and evaluation, Outcome Mapping processes can be leveraged by K-12 teachers, evaluators, and teacher educators to provide information beyond external evaluation initiatives with the aim of building...
Slides from Session 1929 of the 2014 AEA Conference Panel presented by Tania Jarosewich, Kirk Knestis, Jeni Corn, and Rita O'Sullivan Adding "Value" to Evaluation in Education Settings: Opportunities for Evolving Roles of Evaluators in an Education Research and Development Paradigm ...
Adding Value to Evaluation in Education Settings.pdf
Presentation at AEA 2013 - Multipaper Session 6; Session Title: Evaluation Design Considerations for Vulnerable Populations; Sponsored by the Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations; Wednesday, Oct 16, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM #BroadeningParticipationResearch #2013Conference ...
2013-10-16_RDESP BPR AEA presentation FINAL.pdf
Because funders are increasingly interested in how their efforts impact specific policy actions or influence the policy panorama in general, they are turning to evaluators to conduct policy evaluation projects. While well-established methods are available to inform this work, evaluators often...
AEA 2013 - Engaging the Right People at the Right Time.pdf
This is the PowerPoint for a workshop at AEA 2013. Note that there are two Flash files that need to be in the same folder as the PP if you wish to see the demonstrations. There is also a very selective bibliography with some annotations. #evaluationmethods #2013Institute ...
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Sessions related to Integrating Technology into Evaluation TIG #CenterstoneResearchInstitute #mobileapps
For a number of years, the United Way of Greater Houston (UWGH) has facilitated affinity groups of agencies in the same services field to evaluate common outcomes. Among these affinity groups have been those providing services to victims of domestic and sexual violence (six agencies with about...
Pencil Versus Keyboard_CMedits.pptx
Presented as part of a panel discussion chaired by Bill Trochim called Gap or Trap? Rethinking Evaluation’s Response to Evidence-Based Programs and the Research-Practice Gap. There is a continued need to find mechanisms that enable a better connection between knowledge generation and...
Eval12Session 742 - Applying the Golden Spike to the Research-Practice Gap.pdf