Sessions related to Integrating Technology into Evaluation TIG #CenterstoneResearchInstitute #mobileapps
The panelist will share experiences and reflect on the possibilities of using Outcome Mapping enriched internal evaluation practices in Los Angeles, California middle school environments that serve low-income, gifted, and English language learner students. In particular, the panelist will focus on experiences of integrating Outcome Mapping learning activities so that the collaborative and participatory foundations of the discipline of education are maintained while compliance with curriculum or accreditation evaluation standards is achieved
Rethinking Evaluation’s Response to Evidence-Based Programs and the Research-Practice Gap. There is a continued need to find mechanisms that enable a better connection between knowledge generation and application
Eval12Session 742 - Applying the Golden Spike to the Research-Practice Gap.pdf
These daily rigors allow little time for reflection or staying cognizant of the relevant academic literature and research practices. This session will describe the unique opportunity for non-profit social service agencies to leverage relationships with public and private research entities to infuse research into their practice and also of equal benefit how agencies are able to use their practice to guide research
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See matching library entry files - Handout_AEA Session 1724 Blank Practice...
Rethinking Evaluation’s Response to Evidence-Based Programs and the Research-Practice Gap. The evidence-based program (EBP) and translational research (TR) movements are intended to “bridge the research-practice gap” and focus resources on doing “what works” in the “era of accountability.”
AEA2012_Archibald_Mind the Gap.pdf
We present how a combination of methods grounded in evaluation practice inform strategic planning for biomedical research programs managed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund
Using Eval Tools Methods Thinking in Planning_AEA 10-29-2016.pdf
The mission of the Practice Research Network is to build an infrastructure linking investigators at The University of Maryland, Baltimore, Department of Psychiatry with the public mental health system through an innovative approach to nurturing the development of activities that reflect the value of a collaborative and participatory approach to research
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See matching library entry files - How helpful is the Practice Res...
Session Description: We will be focusing on the evaluating efforts associated with the process of moving from pilot or demonstration projects into widespread practice. Issues associated with this process include the following: Packaging the program for potential users Marketing/disseminating the program to the potential users Building capacity to select and use effective interventions Understanding the decisions involved in adopting a new program Maintaining quality control over multiple implementation sites Facilitating and measuring implementation Considering the balance between fidelity and adaptation Scaling up efforts to achieve public health impact Each of these issues is a possible focus for evaluation research questions
Presentation provides examples of program evaluation and operational research studies and compares and contrasts the two disciplines. #GovernmentEvaluation #Operations #program #GraduateStudentandNewEvaluators #2010Conference #TeachingofEvaluation #research #ResearchonEvaluation ...
Monitoring and Evaluation and Operational Research.ppt
Collecting real-time data securely on a mobile device can pose many challenges, particularly when that data requires HIPAA compliance safeguards. Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a secure, web-based application designed exclusively to support data capture for research and evaluation....
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See matching library entry files - • A non-commercial use data collection and manag...