Using appreciative inquiry in conducting an evaluability assessment, we focused on the strengths and success of the Institutional Research and Analytics (IR & A) at Southern Illinois University. Our challenge was to assess OIR & A and design an evaluation which would inform the office on how...
AEA 2016 EA Presentation - T. Grayson.pptx
Poster presented at 2016 AEA Conference #UseandInfluenceofEvaluation #STEMEducationandTraining #2016Conference #highereducation #professionaldevelopment #formativeevaluation
JManweiler AEA Poster 10 24.pdf
Presented by Nick Hart, Washington Evaluators President-elect and David Bernstein, Washington Evaluators President. Founded in 1984 with an initial membership of 12 evaluators, the Washington Evaluators (WE) has since grown to include a professional and student membership base of more than 200...
WE Presentation 9-24-2016.pptx
This PowerPoint is from the session Sara Vaca and I presented at the AEA 2016 Conference entitled " Innovative Ways to Represent a Theory of Change." Please feel free to contact either of us by email (info provided on last page of slide deck) for purposes of discussion or attribution. ...
Presenting ToC - Dhillon Vaca FINAL Oct 2016.pptx
Theory of Change Analysis (ToC analysis) is a key instrument for verification of a project logic and assessment of project results. It is a crucial element of evaluation required by multilateral agencies and international organizations, for instance, UNEP, UNDP, and WWF The trainers use a...
AIMS presentation_AEA 2016_final.pptx
These are the slides from an AEA 2015 presentation. #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2015Conference #cultureofassessment #AssessmentinHigherEducation
Walser HE ECB AEA2015 FINAL.pdf
The case study is about the experience of the TESP M&E Unit of the evaluation of the trainings of HEIs staff in Pakistan. The case study explains how the M&E Unit developed the Learning Based Assessment of Training (LBAT) Model to analyze the pre-existing learning, the net learning and the...
Case Study-LBAT Model-Awab-June 19- 2015.pdf
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This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Washington Evaluators (WE), a local affiliate of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). As the founding President of WE has noted, affiliates help to develop an evaluation community in a local area. WE has become an evaluation community of practice...
2 attachments
#2014Conference #InternalEvaluation #CrimeandJustice #Ruleoflaw #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign
AEA RoL presentation (16 Oct 2014).pptx
In many evaluations of community interventions, the classifiers of “rural” and “urban” are used as proxies for access to resources and need for services, based on an assumed homogeneity of so-called “rural” communities. This presentation will encourage participants to think more broadly about...
AEA Rural Presentation 10.17.14.pdf