Powerpoint presentation from Eval2013 Session 595: 21st Century Technologies in Evaluation #museumevaluation #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #2013Conference #STEMEducationandTraining #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #SocialNetworkAnalysis
Hammerman LOE AEA 2013.pptx
Through a strong collaboration between an external evaluator and the DAM’s Education department leaders, rich evaluation data were collected to better understand the interests of Latino audiences in culture-specific programs, and their experiences during a general museum visit. This collaboration was critical to ensure that the results of the evaluation were useful to DAM. The presentation will focus on the important challenge of building practice and understanding of the audience segment to actually make the DAM more relevant to this important sector of the Denver and Colorado community. #evaluation use #Latinoaudiences #MarianaEnriquez #2014 Conference #HeatherNielsen #MadalenaSalazar #collaborativeevaluation #Latinovisitors #EvaluationUse #DenverArtMuseum #MultiethnicIssuesinEvaluation #ArtsCultureandAudiences #eval14 #DiversityandInclusion #2014Conference
Listening to Latino Visitors - Enriquez-Salazar-Nielsen Oct 18-2014.pdf
This paper examines the challenges of developing and implementing a new national evaluation approach in a complex library funding program. The approach shifts a prior outcome-based evaluation legacy using logic models to one relying on non-linear logic mapping
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