This deck shows three methods to increase the value of logic models to clients. First, Model Heat Mapping will demonstrate logic models being used to tie a funder’s financial support to model components. Second, Cohort Logic Modeling will illustrate how logic models can be used across a funding...
AEA Logic Model Presentation 102916 FINAL CLEAN.pptx
In this paper the results of an evaluation of a multi-site, out-of-school-time program are presented. A particular focus will be on evaluation findings concerning the separate and combined impacts of site (or contextual) characteristics and individual participant differences in determining...
Evaluation of a Multi-Site, Out-of-School-Time Program.pptx
Presentations made by Steffen Bohni & Sebastian Lemire; Tina Taylor-Ritzler; Jean King on models and instruments to measure and build evaluation capacity #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #Modelsofandinstrumentstomeasureevaluationcapacity #2011Conference
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PowerPoint presentation from Session 904 - Building a "Super" Logic Model: Development of a System of Tiered Logic Models to Identify Key Outcomes in a Large Nonprofit Organization #LogicModels #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2011Conference
Connors, Challender, Schlose - AEA 2011.pptx
Session Description: Practitioners use logic models to describe important components of a program; make visible a theory of change; and link activities to intended outcomes. For the purposes of evaluation practice, a well-constructed logic model provides a program-specific foundation for...
Logic Models CDC-AEA eval inst FINAL for AEA website.pdf
Notes and presentation slides from Evaluation 2009 Think Tank Session 455. This think tank challenged participants to think of systems and logic models as complementary tools for evaluation. Examples of both types of models, as well as an example of an integrated model, were used as the basis...
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Session Description: Practical qualitative evaluation methods will be shared for community health programs. The workshop will be an overview of qualitative methods that include the use of logic models, social ecology principles, participatory-based strategies, and basic data analysis methods....
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Session Description: A host of visual aids are in use in planning and evaluation. This session will introduce you to some of the most popular ones—with an emphasis on flow charts, logic models, project network diagrams, and logframes. We’ll review the content and format of each one and then...
Information from Paul Duignan's AEA Webinar on Building Stakeholder-Friendly Visual Logic Models With DoView 2.0. Including a summary of what was covered in the Webinar and links to relevant resources (including the software, videos, tip-sheets and workbooks) for building logic models and...
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