Three presentations to AEA 2016 Conference (Session ID: 2280) - New Approaches to the Design and Evaluation of Global Programs to End Modern Slavery: Establishing an Evidence Base and Understanding What Works #SocialImpact #Eval2016 #HumanRights #AEA2016Conference #FreetheSlaves ...
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This is the PowerPoint deck from our session on the use of HSD and DE in the evaluation of an arts-based community development initiative in Minneapolis, MN #CreativeCityMaking #HumanSystemsDynamics #developmentalevaluation
AEA CCM presentation.pptx
Eval 2016 Session: Human Service personnel are often focused on the necessity of attending to funder and regulatory requirements and the immediate need of serving their clients. These daily rigors allow little time for reflection or staying cognizant of the relevant academic literature and...
This document is the combined presentation and handout for session 573 of the AEA 2010 conference. It outlines a conceptual model for talking about the HR system and how to use evaluation to inform decision-making. #Development #management #employee #evaluative #inquiry ...