Biomedical research programs address questions vital to expanding knowledge and improving health, but are resource intensive. Therefore, careful consideration of the existing research environment during program planning is needed. We present how a combination of methods grounded in evaluation...
Using Eval Tools Methods Thinking in Planning_AEA 10-29-2016.pdf
Presented by Jennifer Hamilton, Senior Study Director, Westat and David Bernstein, Senior Study Director, Westat. Opinions are our own. The majority of US federal government evaluations are conducted by external evaluators. However, conducting evaluations is just one of the roles that external...
2016 Bernstein Hamilton Evaluation Contracting Final.pptx
Panel slides from a discussion of advocacy for the use of randomized controlled trials to determine federal program effectiveness since early in the Bush Administration through the present day. The presenter discusses the extent to which such advocacy has become bipartisan, as well as some...
Panel Slides - Rushing to Randomize.pdf
This document includes the four presentations that were delivered in this panel on Federally-funded multi-site behavioral health evaluations that focused on (1) conceptual approaches and issues, (2) implementation and data collection, (3) data management, and (4) data analysis and reporting....
Eval12 Session 909 - Presented 10-27-12.pdf
Presentation slides and handouts for conference session with the following abstract: In response to the federal push for results-based performance indicators, the U.S. Department of Education undertook the development of a national outcomes measurement system for early childhood programs...
5 attachments
This presentation was part of a panel sponsored by the Extension Education Evaluation TIG - reviews state Extension needs for a national set of indicators that we might all report against. #Evaluation2009 #Extension #Cooperative #federal #ExtensionEducationEvaluation
State Perspective on Developing National Outcomes and Indicators.ppt