Session: 1103 AEA 2015 in Chicago, IL "… You will finish this workshop knowing what "cost studies" all too often are, and what cost-inclusive evaluation can and should be. You will see how evaluations that include resources used the program, plus resources generated by the program, can help...
AEA 2015 presentation.pdf
Participants learn the basics of four common, alternative strategies for modeling, evaluating, managing, and systematically improving key relationships between resources consumed and outcomes produced in health and human service: cost analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis,...
AEA 2011 Starting Cost-Inclusive Evaluation.pdf
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#CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #cost-benefit #metaevaluation #cost-inclusive #2010Conference #of #Analysis
AEA slide show 11-11.pdf
Materials for our 3-hour workshop on using cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis in evaluation. #TeachingofEvaluation #cost-inclusive #2009Conference #HumanServicesEvaluation #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #HowTo #evaluation
3 attachments