This session at AEA 2015 explored various challenges and elements of evaluating multi-stakeholder advocacy efforts. It approached the topic from a variety of angles, including research on how advocates see their own network and coalition work; examination of contribution analysis and how to...
AEA 2015 Session 2063 Advocacy as a Team Game Evaluating Multi stakeholder advocacy efforts.pdf
Materials from the presentation "Taking the Measure of 'Role' And 'Contribution': A Mixed Methods Approach to Policy Evaluation." From the AEA 2011 session: Methods in Evaluating Advocacy Efforts: Grantmakers' Perspectives. Includes both the powerpoint slides and the diagram of the six-step...
2 attachments
John Mayne's introduction of contribution analysis (CA) has attracted widespread attention within the global evaluation community. Yet, despite this vivid attention, as Mayne himself notes (2011), there haven't been a lot of published studies that involve the systematic application of...
Making Contribution Analysis Work.pdf
Making Contribution Analysis Work_upload1.pptx