Presentation slides from Evaluation 2015. #reserachanddevelopment #commonguidelines #programevaluation #2015Conference #STEMEducationandTraining
Slides from Session 1929 of the 2014 AEA Conference Panel presented by Tania Jarosewich, Kirk Knestis, Jeni Corn, and Rita O'Sullivan Adding "Value" to Evaluation in Education Settings: Opportunities for Evolving Roles of Evaluators in an Education Research and Development Paradigm ...
Adding Value to Evaluation in Education Settings.pdf
Many organizations fund multiple programs which are diverse in audience and focus. This poses certain challenges including inconsistent quality of evaluation across sites and an inability to determine overall impact of the initiative. To address these challenges, the CYFAR Initiative and the 4-H...
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See matching library entry files - & Ciarlo, J. A. (2004). Guidelines...