A joint presentation by Jindra Cekan PhD, Beatrice Lorge Rogers PhD, Patricia Rogers PhD, and Laurie Zivetz. PhD Despite the increasing focus on impact evaluation, especially in international development, evaluations rarely look at the longer-term impact of evaluations but report on the...
We consider how incorporating gender considerations and various feminisms in evaluation work can inform all the steps in the project cycle going forward. In one example, we demonstrate how building a cultural model for evaluation of child literacy programs in developing country settings, such as...
Gender and Feminist Lens(es) in Evaluation FINAL.pptx
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by: Kit Kernan, Ph.D., Technical Expert Marc D. Shapiro, Ph.D., Project Leader Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project Development and Training Services (dTS) Contact: MShapiro@OnlineDTS.com #EvaluationAgenda ...
GCCME AEA Evaluation Agenda 2013 10 29.ppt
Panel Presentation Abstract: The Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), in the US Agency for International Development (USAID), does quick-impact opportunistic interventions to create or preserve political space and help set the stage for longer-term change. OTI often enters countries on the...
FINAL AEA OTI Presentation 10-27-2012.pptx
Evaluation 2009 powerpoint of multipaper session with introduction. 1. Context and Evaluating Human Resources for Health Capacity Building (Danny DeVries) 2. Indicators for Measuring Human Resources for Health Capacity Building (Linda Fogarty) #USAID #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference ...
AEA Capacity Project Context and HRH ME FINAL 2009-11-14.ppt