Poster for AEA 2015 We modeled cigarette sales in Wyoming from May 1996 through May 2014, accounting for state and federal excise taxes. Our model showed a good fit for data until fall of 2012. After that point, the model predicts higher cigarette sales than the actual data. We found that the...
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Evaluation of a K-12 school district 100% tobacco-free policy initiative with link to scoring rubric. #MixedMethodsEvaluation #EvaluationPolicy #tobaccopolicy #HealthEvaluation #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #2013Conference #Alcohol,DrugAbuse,andMentalHealth
Framing Designing and Conducting Health Policy Evaluation_Capesius_AEA Oct162013_TCapesius.pdf
Presentation for the Cluster, Multi-site, & Multi-level Evaluation TIG - - - Title: Evaluating Guidelines Produced for Multisite or Multilevel Programs- - - Presents methods and findings for an evaluation that examined the dissemination and use of evidence-based guidelines among state tobacco...
AEA TIG Presentation_BP2_eLibrary_11.8.11.pdf