This entry contains slides from Holly Karakos's presentation at the 2013 AEA Meeting. The presentation highlights a rapid ethnographic assessment conducted in a community in Cape Town, South Africa to consider the issue of high school drop out. The presentation highlights the approach to the...
Karakos Presentation.pptx
This is a set of documents on the South African evaluation system. It includes the National Evaluation Policy Framework, National Evaluation Plans, Standards, Competencies and Guidelines. Evaluation Update is a two monthly update on progress with evaluations. #SystemsinEvaluation ...
17 attachments
The South African government has adopted an ambitious government-wide monitoring and evaluation system (GWM&ES) headed by a newly established Ministry for Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency since 2009. It is supposed to systematically monitor and evaluate the outcomes of government...
Cloete & Rabie 2011 AEA outcomes presentation.pdf
This is the lead article in "Evaluation South Asia," the first professional evaluaiton journal for all countries in South Asia, published in 2008. The article lays out a general struction for developing evaluation as a viable professional field and funciton for the betterment of national...
Pilars of Public Program Evaluation.pdf