Describes how Catholic Relief Services uses ICT to support farmers in the field through building farm agents' capacity in the 5 skills to supporting farmer organizations in understand their costs, loans needs, and profits through Farmbook. #5SkillsSet #CatholicReliefServices #Agriculture ...
Farmbook AEA Presentation.pdf
This Ignite presentation presents a method for using transcripts from audio recordings of youth-adult meetings to assess pre-post changes in youth 21st Century or soft skill processes that represent critical thinking. Presentation Abstract: The need to develop youth 21st Century skills, or ...
Van Egeren AEA 2012 YDS Ignite.pptx
This study investigated the efficacy of Stay on Track, an evidence-based program, through a quasi-experimental design. The national evaluation methodology was replicated to examine the quality of implementation and adherence to program material in 12 Utah classrooms. Levels of risk and...
Poster 135 Military Families1.jpg
Program evaluators who choose to become independent consultants will find that the intersection of business and research can offer tremendous personal reward but it can be both challenging and intimidating unless they have the simple but important skills required to be successful. This practical...