Power Point Presentation and handout from session on "Perils, Pitfalls, and Successes: The Implementation of a RCT to Examine the Effects of Alternative Response in Child Welfare" - part of multipaper Session 259 'Implementing Quality Randomized Control Trials in Human Service Evaluations: Applications Addressing Challenges and Barriers' from AEA 2010 #'Randomized #Control #'Child #Trials' #Welfare' #2010Conference #HumanServicesEvaluation #'RCT' #'Implementation'
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See matching library entry files - Bldg K Tualatin, OR 97062 503 924-3783 Fax: 503-...
Obtaining Balanced Intervention and Control Groups in a Multi-site Cluster Randomized Trial: Minimization as an Alternative to Randomization in the Head Start on Science Program
During the early stages of implementing their new flagship anti-poverty program, Progresa, Mexican officials contracted an evaluation team from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). This paper examines the validity of the IFPRI-Progresa process using an approach informed by ...
Master Teacher Series—Powering up for the Head Start on Science program: Using power analysis to plan the sample size required for a multi-site cluster randomized trial. Demonstration session presented at Evaluation in Complex Ecologies: Relationships, Responsibilities, Relevance, the 26th annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN
We used an RCT design to evaluate an online training program for over 200 educators implementing the Reducing the Risk program. Our primary outcome of interest was implementation fidelity. We used several methods for measuring implementation fidelity: educator implementation logs for each lesson...
See matching library entry files - Two-hundred nineteen educators across the United...
Powerpoint slides describe results of GAO analysis of types of interventions for which randomized experiments are or are not well-suited for assessing effectiveness and types of alternative methods for estimating program impact. Document provides electronic reference to published GAO report with...
AEA2010-Shipman Rigorous Methods.pdf