This is a presentation given by Vinod Thomas, Director-General of the World Bank Group's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), at the American Evaluation Association's 2009 Annual Conference. It addresses evaluation to improve results, evaluation principles and challenges, evaluation and institutional frameworks and the way forward
In search of SMART software and tools for evaluation - presentation from 2013 Ignite Session 198 #Miradi #logframe #resultschain #projectdesignreview #conceptualmodel #Instruments #Ignite
This presentation analyzes the challenges encountered in evaluating E&S performance and impacts in various industry sectors and methodology to identify and benchmark performance indicators
Is the Environmental Footprint Rightly Measured (Nov 2011)3.ppt
PhD Despite the increasing focus on impact evaluation, especially in international development, evaluations rarely look at the longer-term impact of evaluations but report on the achievement of shorter-term outcomes. This session makes the case for designing and investing in evaluations that look at whether the intended impacts are achieved and sustained in the long-term and what other impacts (unexpected or adaptive) emerge over time
The lack of ex-post (post-project) evaluation speaks to both the inflexibility and lack of transparency of international aid, but also that not knowing the long-term ability of communities to sustain the outcomes or self-sustain the activities themselves limits successful future programming. We are best served by building IATI into our programming (open-data), using national evaluators, supporting community evaluation of our projects long-term impacts
In this webinar, Stephanie Evergreen will demonstrate its usefulness in the daily life of an evaluator, through a detailed tour of how this free product has improved the quality of interactions with colleagues and stakeholders
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