Outpatient programs, where three-quarters of these youth are placed, face challenges in engaging families and providing resources to assist them. To learn more about the needs of their Latino and non-Latino participants, evaluators at one Arizona model program analyzed family context variables from pooled Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) for 3,063 youth in similar programs in the four U.S-Mexico border states. Since GAIN family context data is limited, the evaluators undertook a client record review of rich narrative notes completed by clinical staff following intensive intake interviews with clients and family members. These data on family problems and strengths are matched with treatment outcomes to generate the nuanced understanding of families necessary to develop a recovery-oriented model of care
Francis J-Families on the Border 11-3-2011.pptx
GRPPs also employ a diverse array of governance models associated with the history and culture of each program along a continuum from pure shareholder models (in which membership on the governing body is restricted to financial and other contributors) to more inclusive stakeholder models (in which membership also includes non-contributors). Therefore, this paper suggests that the performance of the governing bodies and management units in their functions should be measured against certain good governance principles such as legitimacy, efficiency, accountability, responsibility, transparency and fairness. The presentation will provide a framework, good practice guidelines, tools and examples for doing so, based on a survey of over 60 GRPP evaluations
Governance and Management of GRPPs.ppt
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), a partnership of international agencies has the mandate to finance improvements in the global environment
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See matching library entry files - Therefore, the M&E Policy makes full use ......The ...
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by Marc Shapiro, Ph.D Project Leader Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project Development and Training Services (dTS) #ClimateChange #2013Conference #AdaptationProjects #GlobalClimateChange #EvaluationImpact
GCCME AEA Adaptation Shocking 2013 10 18.ppt
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by: Nancy Peek, Research Associate Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project #ClimateChange #LessonsLearned #GlobalClimateChange #surveydesign #2013Conference
GCCME AEA- Municipal Climate Change Strategies Survey Design - Nancy Peek dTS 2013 10 30.ppt
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by: David Hemson, Ph.D., Senior Evaluator Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project Development and Training Services (dTS) Contact: dhemson@OnlineDTS.com #GlobalClimateChange #2013Conference #ClimateChange #evaluation
GCCME AEA HEMSON 2013 10 30.ppt
This session, presented by AEA's representative to IOCE and EvalPartners (Mike Hendricks), AEA's president for 2017 (Kathryn Newcomer), and AEA's Executive Director (Denise Roosendaal), describes the 13 actions AEA is taking to support the brand-new Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020. #IWG ...
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by: Kit Kernan, Ph.D., Technical Expert Marc D. Shapiro, Ph.D., Project Leader Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project Development and Training Services (dTS) Contact: MShapiro@OnlineDTS.com #EvaluationAgenda ...
GCCME AEA Evaluation Agenda 2013 10 29.ppt
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by: Rees Warne DCOP/Field Evaluation Leader Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Development and Training Services (dTS) rwarne@onlinedts.com #GlobalClimateChange #ClimateChange #2013Conference
AEA - What Does Climate Change Mean Anyway - Rees Warne - dTS GCCME 2013 10 30.ppt