We present how a combination of methods grounded in evaluation practice inform strategic planning for biomedical research programs managed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund
Using Eval Tools Methods Thinking in Planning_AEA 10-29-2016.pdf
The majority of US federal government evaluations are conducted by external evaluators. However, conducting evaluations is just one of the roles that external evaluators can play to help expand and build evaluation capacity in federal agencies. This presentation focused on some of the challenges of involving contractors within the federal evaluation framework, and offer potential solutions to those challenges. In particular, the presentation focused on the role that external evaluators can play in building evaluation capacity. The presentation addressed four specific areas: facilitating education of federal staff (internal evaluators and program staff) through education and training; addressing resource issues by expanding federal capacity to design and conduct evaluations; help ensure continuous use of evaluation methods and results; and developing increased evaluation capacity by expanding skill sets and methodologies available to support federal evaluation and accountability
2016 Bernstein Hamilton Evaluation Contracting Final.pptx
This document includes the four presentations that were delivered in this panel on Federally-funded multi-site behavioral health evaluations that focused on (1) conceptual approaches and issues, (2) implementation and data collection, (3) data management, and (4) data analysis and reporting
Eval12 Session 909 - Presented 10-27-12.pdf
This presentation was part of a panel sponsored by the Extension Education Evaluation TIG - reviews state Extension needs for a national set of indicators that we might all report against
State Perspective on Developing National Outcomes and Indicators.ppt
The presenter discusses the extent to which such advocacy has become bipartisan, as well as some implications and concerns related both to methodology and the use of evaluation in governance
Panel Slides - Rushing to Randomize.pdf