The program includes an after-school component where participants learn engineering and information technology skills through activities such as simulating desert tortoise behaviors, researching and developing designs to mitigate the urban heat island, and designing autonomous rovers capable of navigating Mars-like terrain
The Paris Declaration adopted principles for improving international aid. An evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the Paris Declaration was commissioned. The AEA eLibrary contains a presentation on that evaluation. This entry concerns the Evaluation of the Evaluation (meta-evaluation) conducted by Michael Quinn Patton and Jean Gornick
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See matching library entry files - Eval of Eval Paris Declaration....
Evaluation capacity building (ECB) is a growing area reflecting an ever increasing expectation of evidence that programs are achieving their goals. ECB is also reflective of the shift towards participatory evaluation methods
Synthesis ECB AEA 11.14.09 Session 734.ppt
This is the lead article in "Evaluation South Asia," the first professional evaluaiton journal for all countries in South Asia, published in 2008. The article lays out a general struction for developing evaluation as a viable professional field and funciton for the betterment of national policies within South Asia. #public #Asia #DiversityandInclusion #policy #Communications #Communications #South #evaluation #GovernmentEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #program
Pilars of Public Program Evaluation.pdf
Three presentations as they were presented at AEA 2015 for the session, "Meaningful Evaluation in the Context of Schools" on Fri, Nov 13, 2015 (03:30 PM - 04:15 PM). 1. Holistically Evaluating Teacher Professional Development 2. Rapid Cycles of Evaluation for School Improvement 3
Case study of the strategies that led to the strengthening of Design, Monitoring and Evaluation in CARE during 12 years Jim Rugh headed that work, plus brief annexes from CRS, Save and American Red Cross. #evaluation #in #2009Conference #Session #Evaluation2009 #847 #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #INGOs
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Empowerment evaluation is an approach to evaluation that is designed to facilitate participation, collaboration, and empowerment. There are many tools used to conduct an empowerment evaluation. A few technological tools of the trade are discussed in this presentation
Empowerment Evaluation - Technological Tools of the Trade.pdf
PowerPoint presentation slides and tables of our conference paper. This paper/poster will present the results of an evaluation of the dynamical effects of an out-of-school-time program. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, an out-of-school-time program, known as 'Houston's Kids' or HK, was developed and implemented with the intention of addressing the needs of displaced and other at-risk children and youth in a single community
When asked to design an evaluation of this type of complex social initiative, evaluators increasingly turn to system level evaluation. One means to frame a system level evaluation is the use of social and behavioral science theory
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Finally, we’ll identify a number of evaluation designs appropriate for RealWorld evaluations and discuss their appropriate context-dependent applications. Jim Rugh brings over 46 years of experience in international development, including 30 years specializing in program evaluation. For 12 years he was the Coordinator of program Design, Monitoring and Evaluation for CARE, a large international NGO headquartered in Atlanta with programs in 70 countries
See matching library entry files - si10.Rugh.Condensed Overview of...