Slides from Session 1929 of the 2014 AEA Conference Panel presented by Tania Jarosewich, Kirk Knestis, Jeni Corn, and Rita O'Sullivan Adding "Value" to Evaluation in Education Settings: Opportunities for Evolving Roles of Evaluators in an Education Research and Development Paradigm ...
Adding Value to Evaluation in Education Settings.pdf
Session Description: We will be focusing on the evaluating efforts associated with the process of moving from pilot or demonstration projects into widespread practice. Issues associated with this process include the following: Packaging the program for potential users Marketing...
2009 AEA Presentation of a portion of CDC's portfolio evaluation of the Injury Control Research Center program. #Evaluation2009 #Dissemination #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #ICRC #PortfolioEvaluation #2009Conference