#Data #2014Conference #mentalhealth #Training #mentalhealthservices
AEA Presentation 2014.pdf
2016 AEA 90 minute skill building workshop #2016Conference #ResearchonEvaluation #DataQuality
AEA 2016_Data Quality skill building session.pdf
This presentation explored data collection issues faced by external evaluators (contractors) to meet evaluation design and data collection needs, including: • the challenge of meeting client needs that are not always fully conveyed in requests for proposal (RFP) or Question and Answer...
2016 AEA Federal Data Collection Bernstein.pptx
This PowerPoint is from the session Sara Vaca and I presented at the AEA 2016 Conference entitled " Innovative Ways to Represent a Theory of Change." Please feel free to contact either of us by email (info provided on last page of slide deck) for purposes of discussion or attribution. ...
Presenting ToC - Dhillon Vaca FINAL Oct 2016.pptx
The opening talk for Session 1990:The Design and Display of Qualitative Data and Information. The presentation includes definitions of visualizing qualitative data, some examples of how qualitative data and information have been represented in the recent past, and considerations for evaluators...
2016 AEA qual data viz presentation epublic library v2.pdf
AEA 2015 Demonstration session showing how to use Excel and SPSS to clean, restructure, and merge data sets. #2015Conference #ReadingEnglishLanguageArtsData
2 attachments
You can see the [PlanB] (pdf file) as well in this Library. #childwelfare #Ignite #ImpactEvaluation #Evaluationpractice #evaluationmethods #parentalinvolvement #accountabilty #2015Conference #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #GovernmentEvaluation #indicators ...
Roundtable session notes and handouts. #Tool #technology #Survey #program #software #Collaboration #datacollection #questionnaire
Panel by Tony Fujs, Will Fenn, and Ann K. Emery R is hotter than ever in the evaluation field as evaluators are looking for ways to improve their data management, analysis, and visualizations. First-time R users are asking themselves, Is R right for my evaluation work? Where do I start if I...
Tired of using the same old pie charts, bar charts, and line charts in Excel to communicate your evaluation results? Don't have expensive data visualization software? Can't afford to hire a graphic designer to transform your default Excel charts into polished masterpieces? In this 45-minute...