AEA 2015 Conference Presentation (Session 2036) by Volunteers of America Los Angeles #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #InternalEvaluation #VOALA #HumanServicesEvaluation #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2015Conference #2015AEAConference
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Poster presentation 279: Evaluation 2015 -- We look at the challenges and benefits of creating and using a fully articulated program theory model from the perspective of the PI and program stakeholders and from the external evaluator. We use the term "program theory model" to reflect a model...
CTTI AEA Conference Poster 2015 FINAL.pdf
Biesecker, G., & Girma-Holton, B. (2015, November). Strategic social-emotional learning evaluation capacity-building across multiple years. In G. Biesecker (Chair), Building social-emotional learning evaluation capacity in an education nonprofit context. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the...
AEA 2015 SEL Symposium.pdf