Handouts and notes from Think Tank exploring challenges and promising practices associated with evaluating programs that are either considering or undertaking scale-up into new geographic regions or contexts
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Presentation and related publications on scaling up a reproductive health innovation, using a systems oriented approach, based on a 5 year prospective study in five countries
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See matching library entry files - M&E Scale Up Briefing Paper_Fin...
For over a decade, Management Systems International (MSI) has worked with the McArthur Foundation and others to improve the assessment of innovative interventions for scalability by focusing on external validity and monitoring quality at scale. Scaling-up interfaces with evaluations at three distinct points: in the program design phase; in the post-pilot assessment phase; and in assessing performance at scale. This paper session will take participants through MSI's Scale-Up Framework focusing on the post-pilot assessment phase: demonstrating how going beyond the technical intervention to assessing the operational environment generates evidence for change management, which is heart of scaling up
MSI's Scaling in Evaluations - AEA 2013- FINAL-ext.pptx
In the case of a new intervention, elements that constitute the intervention โ for example, the content, process, and structure - must be documented to permit replication, program improvement, identification of core and flexible components, and scaling up with fidelity
Coaching Log_AEA 2012_V6.pptx
Slides from Session 1929 of the 2014 AEA Conference Panel presented by Tania Jarosewich, Kirk Knestis, Jeni Corn, and Rita O'Sullivan Adding "Value" to Evaluation in Education Settings: Opportunities for Evolving Roles of Evaluators in an Education Research and Development Paradigm ...
Adding Value to Evaluation in Education Settings.pdf
Issues associated with this process include the following: Packaging the program for potential users Marketing/disseminating the program to the potential users Building capacity to select and use effective interventions Understanding the decisions involved in adopting a new program Maintaining quality control over multiple implementation sites Facilitating and measuring implementation Considering the balance between fidelity and adaptation Scaling up efforts to achieve public health impact Each of these issues is a possible focus for evaluation research questions
The three-year Learning through Engineering Design and Practice program (funded by the National Science Foundation) offers seventh and eighth grade students non-formal education experiences. The program includes an after-school component where participants learn engineering and information...
Presentation slides from Evaluation 2015. #reserachanddevelopment #commonguidelines #programevaluation #2015Conference #STEMEducationandTraining
Handouts and other materials related to this AEA 2013 Roundtable session: Since 2010 the Department of Education has funded 58 Promise Neighborhoods, or collaborations of organizations that serve a neighborhood or "zone," with the goal of building family and community support systems that...
See matching library entry files - Before creation of this application to become a ...
PPT presentation and accompanying material for Panel Session 502: So you Want to Be a Systems Thinker? Introducing Systems Thinking into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Learning Evaluations: Challenges and Successes Associated with Introducing Systems Concepts to an...
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See matching library entry files - Fitzhugh, Evaluation & Research Associates Water...