WE has become an evaluation community of practice. WE membership draws from the large, ubiquitous presence of the U.S
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See matching library entry files - Documentation of a sustainable evaluator ......Sust...
What does it take to establish and maintain an evaluation community of practice? This session at #eval14, the 2014 AEA conference, had two purposes: 1
Communities of Practice with pics.pptx
This presentation describes the first formal effort to examine the implementation and impact of communities of practice (CoP) in two large initiatives funded by the Lumina Foundation
Panel Session 625 Communities of Practice (CoP) as a Foundation Strategy.pdf
Presentation notes and handout for Roundtable 560: Evaluating the Development of Community in Communities of Practice, Friday 11/04/2011. There is growing interest in many sectors to use a community of practice approach for improving how work around a shared concern is done
See matching library entry files - Clarica’s Agent Network: A community of ...
Session Description: In an environment of increasing social participation and transparency, communities of practice are one means to unite a variety of partners to address common issues, share resources, and learn new information
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In contrast, communities of practice need stories that follow communicative logic that enhances valuing participation, sharing of knowledge and shared identity. This presentation demonstrates how evaluative stories based on instrumental logic can be counter-productive to the sustenance of a Community of Practice. It includes examples of communicating results differently using each kind of logic
Session was titled: New Frontiers in International Development Evaluation: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Evaluating Online Communities of Practice. Presentation Abstract: The International Program of Development Evaluation (IPDET) is an international evaluation capacity building program, sponsored by the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank and Carleton University, which has been operating since 2001 and has had almost 3000 participants from 105 countries around the world. One of its key features is the IPDET listserv-an online community of practice of IPDET participants and instructors
AEA 2011.pptx
PowerPoint presentation for "Examples From the Field: Applying Theories of Collaboration and Communities of Practice", Saturday (11/14) 11:50-12:35 session
AEA - Outcome-based Approach to Evaluate Collaborative Efforts 11-4-09.ppt
For international organizations such as PATH, that work across a range of projects funded by a diverse set of funders, ensuring quality and consistency in M&E practice is an ongoing challenge. In 2015, PATH launched its M&E Practice Standards and Tools to promote a common understanding of...
PATH_Cultivating M&E Champions_AEA2016Think Tank.pptx
Video Available This webinar, part 8 in an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to manage an evaluation – including understanding and engaging stakeholders, establishing decision-making processes for the evaluation, deciding who will conduct it, securing...
MANAGE webinar Kerry 30May2013.pptx