Remember Matthew Lesko who ran around in a dollar suit and screamed enthusiastically about all the “free money” that anyone could have? Decades later, many people still think there is a ton of “free money” available. Given the economy, government budget cuts, and highly competitive nature of...
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Session Description: In a world powered by social media, a new kind of organizational form has developed, the Networked Nonprofit. Allison Fine will describe this new entity and discuss the particular challenges and exciting new opportunities for measuring the use of social media by...
Digital and social media strategies (D/SM) are increasingly being used by organizations in the social sector as a way to advance advocacy and policy change goals. As a field, we continue to explore how to measure the impact of D/SM strategies on longer-term goals such as shifts in the public...
AEA2014_Evaluating Digital and Social Media Strategies to Advance Policy and Systems Change_Public.pdf