The problem of childhood obestiy is used to demonstrate use of the tools, including stakeholder analysis and action oriented strategy mapping
2012 10 25 AEA Thinking to Acting Evaluatively Presentation to Post on AEA.pdf
This is the first section of a panel titled "Building and Evaluating a System Based Approach to Evaluation Capacity Building" which presented the recent work by the Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation under the direction of Bill Trochim. This section specifically provides an overview of...
Systems Approach to ECB - Panel Part 1 - Using the SEP for Planning.pdf
International development addresses problems that reach across borders and affect millions of people, requiring broadly applicable tools that can be sustainably applied across sectors. To do this, innovative solutions need to be effectively scaled, and this requires not only a separate skills...
MSI's Scaling in Evaluations - AEA 2013- FINAL-ext.pptx
Slow Down, You Move Too Fast: Calibrating Evaluator Engagement to the Pace of Campaigners and Advocates When Developing Theories of Change (10:00-10:45, Saturday Nov. 13). This presentation examines how advocacy in southern contexts differs from advocacy in the US, identifies three key theory...
Roper Southern Advc Eval 2010.pdf
Needs assessments may be small to large or simple to complex depending on the nature of the issue to be addressed. Having a process in place to plan and manage your needs assessment – whatever its size and complexity – will aid in the assessment’s success. Without a plan, you are at risk of...
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See matching library entry files - Analysis of industry | competition | economic en...
Overview of Expert Lecture Session 346, Thursday Nov. 12 3:35pm #evaluation #sociology #Evaluation2009 #of #2009Conference
The readiness assessment tool for evaluation capacity building is described, including its purposes and applications. The tool is used to obtain information on an organization's and a programs readiness for evaluation capacity building. The development of the tool was informed by Preskill and...
Danseco etal2009 AEA Final.ppt
CSO Evaluability Assessment Checklist_March 15.2017.pdf
Performance evaluation should be viewed as an applied hybrid method distinct from program evaluation (defined by Peter Rossi) which combines methods from four different institutions each speaking a different policy language (Policy, Management, Programs and Accountability) as well as mixed...
Materials shared in the session at the 2013 Conference session on the World Bank Institute's approach to results management. The panel includes a conceptual introduction to the Capacity Development and Results Framework, an exploration of the World Bank Institute's results management cycle and...
13 attachments
See matching library entry files - Strategic Communication and Stakeholder ...