This is a set of documents on the South African evaluation system
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See matching library entry files - An overview of the ECD policy framework in ......Go...
The South African government has adopted an ambitious government-wide monitoring and evaluation system (GWM&ES) headed by a newly established Ministry for Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency since 2009. It is supposed to systematically monitor and evaluate the outcomes of government programme performance at all governmental levels. However, South Africa has serious backlogs in infrastructure and services
Cloete & Rabie 2011 AEA outcomes presentation.pdf
The presentation highlights a rapid ethnographic assessment conducted in a community in Cape Town, South Africa to consider the issue of high school drop out
Karakos Presentation.pptx
Based on experiences from Pact’s work in South Africa, this paper examines emerging evidence and lessons on a redefined role for evaluation managers
Second, she will reflect on the international implications of the CES Professional Designation work, including reactions from South Africa where there is governmental pressure to move toward licensure and the USA where the American Evaluation Association, after a gap of over a decade, is again discussing the possibility of an evaluator credential
King CES Response PPT, 10-11.pptx
Jim has facilitated evaluation workshops for many years at AEA’s annual conferences as well as many other countries including South Africa, Niger, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Ukraine, Portugal, the UK and elsewhere
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Since 2008, Room to Read's M&E system has included the collection of information on our Global Indicators (GIs) a combination of quantitative program accomplishments and program performance measures on all active projects that show progress towards our program objectives. This paper describes...
See matching library entry files - Definitions and Dashboards at Room to Read: Data...
Empowerment evaluation is an approach to evaluation that is designed to facilitate participation, collaboration, and empowerment. There are many tools used to conduct an empowerment evaluation. A few technological tools of the trade are discussed in this presentation. They include: ...
Empowerment Evaluation - Technological Tools of the Trade.pdf
This presentation highlights the three steps of empowerment evaluation: 1) mission; 2) taking stock; and 3) planning for the future. The discussion emphasizes the role of capacity building and improvement. In addition, case examples are presented focusing primarily on outcomes and...
This slide and handout were used in 2012 AEA annual conference. The presentation is about one important cultural dimension the power distance in explaining the relationship between empowerment and evaluation outcomes and the moderating effect of supports from high-social-status stakeholders. The...
See matching library entry files - Tools: AEA Statement on Cultural Competence in E...