Session 1414, Evaluation 2015: Design Thinking for Exemplary Evaluation: Three Examples of Design for Evaluation and Organizational Learning While the other presenters in the panel will describe the application of design thinking to program evaluation, this presentation will focus on a distinct but related topic: the use of design thinking for organizational learning in a foundation setting
Presentation slides from Evaluation 2015. #reserachanddevelopment #commonguidelines #programevaluation #2015Conference #STEMEducationandTraining
Ignite Presentation, STEM Education and Training track. Evaluation 2015 (American Evaluation Association annual conference)
A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating.pdf
Draft paper presented on Nov. 12, 2015 at Evaluation 2015 Abstract: Calls for "evidenceābased policy" and for assessing how well government programs work have been around for many years
2 attachments
Poster presentation 279: Evaluation 2015 -- We look at the challenges and benefits of creating and using a fully articulated program theory model from the perspective of the PI and program stakeholders and from the external evaluator
CTTI AEA Conference Poster 2015 FINAL.pdf