PDF of the Evaluation 2009 Program, sans covers due to size, as it went to print
Enjoy your stay in Orlando and take advantage of discounts to popular local restaurants and venues. #Restaurants #Coupons #Venues #Orlando #Discounts #2009Conference #Evaluation2009
Orlando Discounts.pdf
List of Sessions with Ethics Focus at Evaluation 2009 developed by the AEA Ethics Committee
Ethics Sessions at Evaluation 2009.doc
PowerPoint presentation from Session 122 at Evaluation 2009. #program #prevention #2009Conference #Impact #methods #mixed #dropout #Evaluation2009 #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #evaluation
Dropout Prevention AEA Presentation.ppt
Materials to share with attendees of Schelling, DeRoo, & Miron paper presentation at Evaluation 2009 (10.13.09) #Evaluation2009 #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #2009Conference
Outcomes of a Character Education Program.pptx
These are panel presentations made during Evaluation 2009 for the session listed above
4 attachments
Presentation for Evaluation 2009 Session 881: Today's Challenging Context for Supreme Audit Institutions: Case examples from Norway
KAM Evaluation 2009.ppt
Presentations from Evaluation 2009 session 251: Using Rigorous Qualitative Data Analysis to Enhance Random Assignment Designs: Lessons From an Evaluation of a Teacher Professional Development Program
PowerPoint presentation on the history of evaluation practice in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), presented at Evaluation 2009, Session 847 #2009Conference #Evaluation2009 #EvaluationUse #Session #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #847
History of evaln in CGIAR-AEA-11-14-09.ppt
Power point presentation from the Evaluation 2009 conference presentation by same name
AEA 09 SD MW Final Notes Removed.ppt