Slides from Session 1929 of the 2014 AEA Conference Panel presented by Tania Jarosewich, Kirk Knestis, Jeni Corn, and Rita O'Sullivan Adding "Value" to Evaluation in Education Settings: Opportunities for Evolving Roles of Evaluators in an Education Research and Development Paradigm #collaborativeevaluation #Dissemination #STEMEducationandTraining #2014Conference #CommonGuidelinesforResearch #scaleup
Adding Value to Evaluation in Education Settings.pdf
This session at #eval14, the 2014 AEA conference, had two purposes: 1
Communities of Practice with pics.pptx
This skill building workshop at #eval14, the 2014 AEA conference, addressed five questions
4. Developing Effective Performance Measures.pptx
Across the world, VOPEs are addressing their diverse evaluation practice through the development of evaluator competency frameworks. These competencies are being used for different purposes depending on their context from guidelines to inform professional development to a foundation for...
Session1414 Global Evolution of Evaluator
Materials for skil-building session presented at 2013 AEA Conference in Washington DC. #bogatova #valuestream #lean #processflow #processimprovement #Instruments #miller
9 attachments
1 Comment - These materials are equally applicable to a skill-building session presented at 2014 AEA Conference in Denver, CO
The vast majority of United States Federal government evaluations are conducted by contractors, but effective contracting is rarely examined. Our panel of government evaluators, contractors, and academics addressed questions related to evaluation contracting and how it can be done more...
1. Evaluation Contracting.pptx
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Washington Evaluators (WE), a local affiliate of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). As the founding President of WE has noted, affiliates help to develop an evaluation community in a local area. WE has become an evaluation community of practice...
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - PowerPoint presentation from the 2014 AE...
PDFs of poster presentation and handout. ABSTRACT An overview of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD; Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993) is given, while emphasizing the role of children. The use of capacity inventories and its implementation to create asset maps is highlighted. In order to push...
See matching library entry files - Handout to accompany poster presentation for ...
This plenary speech from the 2013 Summer Institute addresses how evaluation can support the public good and a sustainable world through attention to people, planet, and profit (the triple bottom line). #sustainability #2013Institute #EnvironmentalProgramEvaluation #SystemsinEvaluation
See matching library entry files - There is a place on the form to include your nam...