TIG Resources

In light of the evolving understanding that we have of research on evaluation, the RoE TIG offers a few examples of published Research on Evaluation studies to clarify what we view as RoE*:

  • Cousins, J. B. & Chouinard, J. A. (2012). Participatory Evaluation Up Close: An Integration of Research-Based Knowledge. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

  • Dewey, J. D., Montrosse, B. E., Schröter, D. C., Sullins, C. D., & Mattox, J. R. (2008). Evaluator Competencies What's Taught Versus What's Sought. American Journal of Evaluation, 29(3), 268-287.

  • Szanyi, M., Azzam, T., & Galen, M. (2012). Research on evaluation: A needs assessment. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 27(1), 39.

*This list is not meant to be comprehensive.

For more information and current examples of Research on Evaluation, we recommend exploring the following resources: 

RoE 101 Zotero Library

As a follow-up from the webinar "Getting Started with Research on Evaluation" led by Dr. Dana Wanzer in April , we have compiled all citations that came up during the session and are sharing for anyone who wants to dive into all essential RoE reading which can be viewed here: https://www.zotero.org/groups/4698645/intro_to_research_on_evaluation/library. Note that the Zotero library only provides links to resources and not the PDFs of resources themselves because that would infringe on copyright. However, Google Scholar, university libraries, and other resources can help you find the PDFs of articles if a general internet search does not bring them up.

Past Webinars

Research on Evaluation TIG 2024 Webinar Series

This webinar series, supported by the Faster Forward Fund, aimed to expand the field’s understanding of what RoE is and demonstrate its importance to advancing evaluation practice. A webinar committee made up of AEA TIG members co- designed the webinar's open call and led outreach with objectives to amplify diverse voices and perspectives and embed interactive discussions to foster group learnings through our AEA community. 

  • Total of 8 AEA members in the webinar committee from different AEA TIGs, including assessment in higher education, systems evaluation, Latinx response evaluation discourse, LGBTQ+ evaluation, AfrEA DRG TIG, and Teaching of Evaluation (emphasizing cross collaboration).

  • Open call was shared among different AEA platforms, social media, and personal networks to encourage participation. For the application process, potential applicants were encouraged to submit videos in replacement of writing as a way to invite other forms of communicating ideas. 

  • Total of 7 applications received, with 4 applications accepted to lead 4 webinars.

  • Speakers were from all over the world - Kenya, London, and different regions in the US.

  • An average of about 25 folks were in attendance at each event.

  • On average, about 104 people were registered for the event (with recordings shared afterwards).

Webinar Resources

  • Rethinking Public – Private Sector Partnerships in Developing Countries: Lessons from Kenya with Munyiva Mutinda 

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in NSF-funded ATE Evaluation with Drs. Ayesha Boyce and Tiffany L. S. Tovey and Neelakshi Rajeev Tewari

  • Attitudes, Experience, and Education on Values and Valuing in Evaluation: Results from a Mixed Method Study with Valerie Marshall

  • Catalysts of Systemic Change: A Community-Led Evaluation of Colombia's Justice System with Dr. Juanita Bernal Alvarado

RoE Annual Business Meeting October 17, 2023: "Defining Research on Evaluation: Evolving understandings of what RoE is (and isn’t)"

Annual Business Meeting Slides

Dana Wanzer April 15, 2022: "Getting Started with Research on Evaluation" 

Practitioners and evaluation students alike are often interested in or encouraged to conduct research on evaluation but few resources exist on how to get started. This webinar describes what research on evaluation is, discusses a popular framework for research on evaluation, and provides a few tips for getting started with your own research on evaluation studies. 

Due to a technical glitch, only the audio recording is available, along with the slides and a handout.

Slides and Handout are available here

Sondra LoRe August 25, 2020: "Inclusive Methods in the Evaluation of Outreach Education Programs: Reflective Journaling and Participant Observations "

Programs with an education outreach component can become so focused on what is being “done” or “improved” in the lives of those intended to be served by the program, that they may forget to examine the value of the program formatively for all stakeholders. Pre and post-assessments give us some insights into programs but paint an incomplete portrait of the program implementation. Those on the front line, working directly with the population being served, can offer a wealth of insights. This webinar discusses inclusive practices that can be employed by the use of reflective journaling by program implementors in the field. This insight, layered with participant observations, and some traditional measurements, provides a real-time, holistic, and inclusive picture of the program and stakeholders. Journaling, discussion, and observation frameworks are included in this webinar.

Slides are available here

Amy Gullickson and Leanne Kallemeyn June 22, 2020: "International Collaboration for RoE: The ISEE experience"

It's no secret that collaborative research can be challenging. Project management, effectively using collaborative tools/platforms, and partnering with people who may have a different work-style are some of the challenges you might experience. Plus, throw in different time zones and things get more exciting! However, successful collaborations among academics and professionals are essential in progressing evaluation theory, praxis, and practice. In this session, we’ll discuss how international collaborative research on evaluation education is being imagined and done in the International Society for Evaluation Education (ISEE). We’ll present high level findings from a review of current literature on research collaboration, share our public agreements, norms, and processes, as well as discuss how we’ve used the literature and documents to create the CASE collaborative research group. After this webinar, you should be better equipped to start a collaborative RoE project yourself!

Slides are available here

J. Bradley Cousins April 23, 2020: "Getting RoE Published"

This webinar provided tips on disseminating research on evaluation (RoE) studies and publishing a variety of journal article formats in peer-reviewed publications, books, and more. 

J. Bradley Cousins is Professor of Program Evaluation and Organizational Studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. His main academic interests are in program evaluation including participatory and collaborative approaches, utilization issues and evaluation capacity building. He has published numerous articles, international handbook chapters, and books on evaluation related topics. Among his many accomplishments, he was the 2008 recipient of the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award 2008 for contributions to evaluation theory and the 2018 AEA Research on Evaluation Award. Additionally, he served as the Editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation from 2002 to 2010.

Slides are available here