Inclusive Methods in the Evaluation of Outreach Education Programs: Reflective Journaling and Participant Observations with Sondra LoRe

08-26-2020 12:57

This webinar was presented on August 25, 2020 through the Research on Evaluation TIG.

Abstract: Programs with an education outreach component can become so focused on what is being “done” or “improved” in the lives of those intended to be served by the program, that they may forget to examine the value of the program formatively for all stakeholders. Pre and post-assessments give us some insights into programs but paint an incomplete portrait of the program implementation. Those on the front line, working directly with the population being served, can offer a wealth of insights. This webinar discusses inclusive practices that can be employed by the use of reflective journaling by program implementors in the field. This insight, layered with participant observations, and some traditional measurements, provides a real-time, holistic, and inclusive picture of the program and stakeholders. Journaling, discussion, and observation frameworks are included in this webinar.

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