

Our Goals

  1. Build collaborative cross-cultural discourse to support Latina/o responsive evaluation.
  2. Identify and apply appropriate theory to the practice and study of evaluation of activities and services with and for Latina/o populations.
  3. Establish a network of likeminded scholars and practitioners who are appropriately skilled for the evaluation work with Latina/o populations.  

Vision: LA RED is committed to a state-of-the-art Latina/o evaluation practices informed by culturally responsive theory and inquiry in all situations and circumstances.

Mission: The mission of LA RED is to increase representation, engagement and leadership of Latina/o and other evaluators in theory, research and practice of culturally responsive evaluation especially involving the Latina/o community through the development of sustainable avenues for the development and application of Latina/o responsive evaluation theory and practice.


  1. TRUST - the confidence that comes from demonstration of validity, appropriateness and meaningfulness.
  2. OPENNESS - sharing broadly and without reservation in easily accessible ways the information and ideas related to best practice Latina/o evaluation.
  3. INCLUSION - the determination a priority that all voices matter and the deliberate effort to hear and consider those voices in decision making related to individual and collective effort.
  4. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - the acknowledgment to the primary of concerns for real and long-term welfare of individual and collective others.
  5. INTEGRITY - the decision to be consistent to and with values and purpose in all things and communities. 
  6. COMMUNITY - the prioritization of common wellbeing over individual interest, advantage or agenda.  
  7. SUSTAINABILITY - endeavoring always to build, develop, organize and operate in a manner which is maintainable and responsible and consistent with organizational values. 

 RED TIG Member zoom meetings

Third Wednesday
@ 3 PM CT /4 PM ET/ 1 PM PST