to the HSE TIG website!
Mission Statement
The mission of the
Human Services Evaluation (HSE) TIG of the American Evaluation Association is
to improve the
practice of evaluation within the human services field. TIG members seek to
improve human services theory, practice,
and capacity building through the development and application of
state-of-the-art evaluation techniques.
Scope: The TIG
focuses on the evaluation of the full range of human services programs and
settings for individuals
families, and communities. Such programs and settings include, but are not
limited to, those involving child welfare,
counseling, employment development, family development, physical and mental
health, parent and family education,
and school-based services.
Typical activities of the HSE TIG include a dynamic presence at the annual AEA
conference with vibrant
conference sessions and a substantive business meeting. We also actively
collaborate with other TIGs on issues relevant
to human services evaluation. Given that many HSE TIG members are the sole
evaluators within their organizations, this
TIG emphasizes opportunities for networking and relationship
building. Foremost among these opportunities are the
annual HSE TIG dinner at the AEA conference and an e-mail discussion list.
All of these activities are designed to assist
our members in strengthening their own evaluation practice. You may have to join the group before posting.
Want to get connect? Join our eGroup by clicking to the top right above or following this link:
(You may have to join the group before posting if you are not already subscribed)