Welcome to the Health Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG)
of the American Evaluation Association (AEA)
October 8, 2018
We are about 3 weeks away from the 2018 AEA annual meeting in Cleveland, OH and the opportunity to meet and talk with each other.
The Health Evaluation TIG Business Meeting will be on Thursday Nov. 1st from 6:00 PM - 06:45 PM). We’ll take care of TIG business first and then have an invited presentation entitled “Evaluating the Reach of National Diabetes Prevention Programs Among Underserved Populations in Los Angeles.”
I look forward to seeing you at the conference in Cleveland, OH.
Robert and Jenica
September 6, 2018
Read about Detecting Fraudulent Responses to Online Surveys by Laura Beals & Barbara Perry
AEA365 Tip
October 30, 2017
Health TIG Business Meeting at AEA 2017
Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017 05:15 PM - 06:00 PM
Health Evaluation TIG Business Meeting: Evaluating a Transdisciplinary Collaborative Approach to Community-Engaged Research on Minority’s Men’s Health
Health TIG Chair: Robert G. LaChausse, California Baptist University
Health TIG Program Chair: Jenica Huddleston-Reed, Deloitte Consulting
Presenter: Rodney K. Hopson, George Mason University
Room: Roosevelt 5
August 1, 2017
Invitation to Provide Feedback on the AEA Draft Competencies
In 2015 the AEA Board of Directors appointed a Task Force to develop a set of evaluator competencies for the association. The membership of the American Evaluation Association has previously endorsed three documents that have contributed to the professionalization of our field.
You may access the draft competencies themselves here.
We are now soliciting your opinions on the current draft set of competencies and its potential uses. We also want to hear your thoughts on the opportunities created by and the risks associated with defining and endorsing a set of evaluator competencies to guide evaluation professionals. Results will be used in the next revision of the draft competencies. In addition, we plan to analyze the results of all the feedback for presentation at the 2016 AEA annual meeting in Atlanta.
Please send comments to the Task Force by writing an email to competencies@eval.org. We welcome your input.
February 27, 2016
AEA 2017
The 2017 American Evaluation Association conference will be held in Washington, DC from November 6-11. We are looking for a wide variety of presentations and posters that focus on any aspect of health evaluation include panel discussions, expert lectures, and skill building workshops. We encourage you to think creatively about your presentations, their design, and format to provide attendees with the best experience. Please choose the presentation type that best fits your material and utilizes your content in the greatest way. The Health TIG strongly encourages presentations and posters that focus on evaluation methods rather than the results of a study or project. The deadline for abstract submissions is 11:59 PM ET March 16, 2017. Please click on this link for more information and submission instructions: http://www.eval.org/page/evaluation-2017-proposal-submissions
February 16, 2017
PE CoE Week: Jenica Reed on Key skills for federal evaluators (and all remote workers)
Read Jenica's AEA 365 piece on evaluator's soft skills to be successful in program evaluation.