The Collaborative, Participatory &
Empowerment Evaluation TIG
The Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment (CP&E) Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG), is a division of the American Evaluation Association. Drs. David Fetterman, Fetterman & Associates, and Liliana Rodriguez-Campos, University of South Florida are the co-chairs. Approximately one-fourth of the AEA membership is affiliated with this Topical Interest Group. The CP&E Evaluation TIG is designed to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and promote scholarship. The most up-to-date information is available on our Facebook page. Search for Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation. One of our more recent publications is Empowerment Evaluation and Social Justice: Confronting the Culture of Silence.
A few of our member's books are highlighted below:
We have provided a few quick links to these books and journal articles below:
CP&E Evaluation is be used throughout the world, including: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Finland, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
In addition to this AEA website, we have a number of blogs and websites containing a vast array of useful tools and information (see below). As developments in the field unfold, they are reflected in these web pages. This one is designed to keep colleagues up-to-date on AEA related CP&EE activities.
CP&EE is sponsored a Tech Tool Focus Week
AEA 365
We have an AEA 365 - Hot Tips, Cool Tricks, and Rad Resources for Evaluators - Series of Blogs. A few of them are listed below:
Our blogs also focus on online videoconferencing, digital file sharing - Picasa, and related blogging tools in evaluation.
AEA Coffee Break (Webinar on Blogging)
We hosted an AEA Coffee Break Demonstration or Webinar on Blogging. It was on March 4th from 2:00 to 2:20 pm (EST). It was titled: Using Blogger for Evaluation Evaluation.
Description: Blogging is free, easy to use technology to assist you in evaluation. It has the look of a web page, but is more dynamic and invites comments and exchanges. Instead of being used to talk about yourself, blogging can be used to report about your evaluation. Using Blogger, a blogging platform, David Fetterman, of Fetterman & Associates, will demonstrate how to set up, format, and post to a blog. He will also show examples of blogs being used as part of evaluation practice.
Slides of Webinar: Available in the AEA elibrary and here.
Video of Webinar: Available in the AEA elibrary.
Collaborative, Participatory and Empowerment Evaluation TIG Thematic Strand: Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Collaborative Web Sites
You will see an announcement shortly about our new TIG hosted blog on Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Collaborative Web Sites.
We will discuss how these tools can be used to invite collaboration with program participants, staff members, and funders. It is a virtual space to create and extend evaluative discourse.
We have an example you can look at right now. It is the Arkansas Tobacco Prevention Empowerment Evaluation. We also have one for the Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation TIG.
So look for the upcoming announcement and join in our webinars and blogs.
Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation Web Site
We also have our own highly used web site. It is designed to support the communities both within AEA and outside of our organization. Please join us and take a look at the wealth of resources we have built up for you - ranging from free guides to free tech tools to make your evaluation more powerful, accurate, and meaningful, (while building capacity in the process).
Empowerment Evaluation BLOG
You thought we were done right? Well we also have an
Empowerment Evaluation Blog with updates on empowerment evaluation activities, including international projects, domestic training opportunities, and awards.
For additional information please contact
Dr. David Fetterman email: or telephone (650-269-5689)
Liliana Rodriguez-Campos Spoke at
Universidad Complutense in Madrid on
Collaborative Evaluations
Liliana Rodriguez-Campos, Associate Professor and Director Center for Research, Evaluation, Assessment and Measurement University of South Florida was invited to the Universidad Complutense in Madrid to speak about her new book Collaborative Evaluations.
Collaborative Evaluations is a highly comprehensive and easy-to-follow book for those evaluators who want to engage and succeed in collaborative evaluations. The author presents the Model for Collaborative Evaluations (MCE) with its six major components: (1) identify the situation, (2) clarify the expectations, (3) establish a shared commitment, (4) ensure open communication, (5) encourage best practices, and (6) follow specific guidelines. In clear and simple language, the Dr. Rodriguez-Campos outlines key concepts and methods to help master the mechanics of collaborative evaluations.
Universidad Complutense in Madrid Class
(Dr. Liliana Rodriguez-Campos right of center)
Each section deals with fundamental factors inside each of the six collaborative evaluation components. In addition, each section provides practical tips for "real-life" applications and step-by-step suggestions or guidelines on how to apply this information. The MCE has emerged from a wide range of collaboration efforts that the she has conducted in the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education. Dr. Rodriguez-Campos shares her experience and insights regarding this subject in a precise and easy-to-understand fashion, so that the reader can use the information learned from this book immediately. For more information about her visit and her book, contact Dr. Rodriguez-Campos at: