We hope you will be joining the Indigenous Peoples in Evaluation TIG membership and larger AEA body at the upcoming Evaluation 2016 conference in Atlanta, GA from October 24-29, 2016.
This year the IPE TIG received 18 conference proposals and was able to accept 17! Special thanks to all of those who submitted proposals and to those who volunteered to review proposal submissions.
Check out the IPE sponsored sessions this year!
Poster Presentations:
- A Hawaiian Culture-Based Metaphor for Evaluation
- KBIC Fish Consumption Assessment: A Collaborative Approach
- Strategically Cultivating Transformative Change through Grants
Oral Presentations
- Using Mixed Methods in Evaluation Design for Tribal Home Visiting: Benefits for Indigenous Peoples (Wednesday, 4:30-6:pm EST)
- Hecel Oyate Kin Nipi Kte (So That The People May Live): Empowering Tribal Coalitions through Community Health Assessments (Thursday, 7:00-7:45am EST)
- If Christopher Columbus Designed Programs for Indigenous People (Thursday, 11:45am-12:45pm EST)
- Getting from Successful Traditional Practice to the Conceptual Model: Building Culturally-Relevant Program Theory (Thursday, 1:00-1:45pm EST)
- Evaluation Designs Culturally Responsive to Micronesian and Polynesian Communities (Thursday, 4:45-6:15pm EST)
- Improving Culturally Responsive Evaluation by Recognizing Cultural Values, Indigenous Rights, Evaluation Setting, and the Culture of the Evaluator (Friday, 8:00-9:30am EST)
- Whose Wisdom Counts? Negotiating What is Considered “Evidence” Across Communities (Friday, 11:00-11:45am EST)
- Supporting Transformational Networks for Native American Leadership in Minnesota: At the Intersection of Methods and Relational Cultural Traditions (Friday, 3:30-4:15pm EST)
- Applying Culturally Responsive Evaluation Designs to STEM-Related Programs in Indigenous Settings (Friday, 5:30-6:15pm EST)
- Indigenous by Design (Saturday, 8:00-9:30am EST)
There are many ways to meet IPE TIG members at this year's conference. We hope to see you all there!
- The IPE TIG will be holding their TIG Business Meeting on Thursday at 6:20pm EST. Please join us to hear the latest news from the IPE TIG leadership, discuss future plans, and meet the TIG members! View the agenda here: 2016 Annual IPE TIG Biz Meeting Agenda.pdf
- The Diversity and Inclusion in Evaluation Social will be held Thursday at 9pm EST and will be a Halloween costume party!
- EvalIndigenous Presidential Sponsored Strand will be held Thursday at 8am EST and will be live streamed!