NASA Innovations in Climate Education (NICE) at Langley Research Center has funded 71 climate education initiatives over four years, each evaluated separately by external evaluators. This meta-evaluation project seeks to understand the range of evaluations represented in the portfolio, including...
The Paris Declaration adopted principles for improving international aid. An evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the Paris Declaration was commissioned. The AEA eLibrary contains a presentation on that evaluation. This entry concerns the Evaluation of the Evaluation (meta...
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The Swiss Innovation Agency CTI has administrated its collaborative research funding scheme since the early 1980s. Between 1989 and 2002 the scheme was evaluated 14 times. In a study combining meta-evaluation and evaluation synthesis, these evaluations were evaluated against selected evaluation...
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#CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #cost-benefit #metaevaluation #cost-inclusive #2010Conference #of #Analysis
AEA slide show 11-11.pdf
The Program Evaluation Standards have been widely accepted as the prevailing criteria for assessing evaluation quality in North America. They were designed to be applicable to a broad array of evaluation contexts. Their generality makes them adaptable for different settings and uses, but also...
Using the Program Evaluation Standards in Metaevaluation WINGATE.pdf