Using appreciative inquiry in conducting an evaluability assessment, we focused on the strengths and success of the Institutional Research and Analytics (IR & A) at Southern Illinois University. Our challenge was to assess OIR & A and design an evaluation which would inform the office on how...
AEA 2016 EA Presentation - T. Grayson.pptx
Evaluation questions identify what aspects of a program will be investigated. They focus on the merit, worth, or significance of a program or particular aspects of a program. Unlike survey questions, they are not intended to derive single data points. Evaluation questions help to define the...
A forum for members to ask questions such as those in the title to the present and past Treasurer. #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #Treasurerquestions #2014Conference
birds of a feather handout.pdf
A Practical Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Developing Evaluation Questions by Dr. Hallie Preskill and Nathalie Jones, published in 2009 by FSG, provides the context for this demonstration. This how-to guide is useful for engaging all types of stakeholders more effectively in the evaluation...
Engaging Stakeholders.pdf
Evaluators have long been encouraged to take into account what stakeholders believe to be important when determining evaluation questions and standards. Many approaches to program evaluation emphasize the importance of consulting stakeholders but fail to articulate how one should incorporate the...
Stakeholder Values_LaChausse_AEA 2011.pdf
Ever read an evaluation report (maybe even your own!) and wondered whether the findings were actually good or not? Or, wondered where on earth sweeping conclusions came from? You may be in need of a rubric revolution! This 90-minute demo from Jane Davidson gives a whirlwind tour of...
AEA 2011 Rubric Revolution demo 90min.pdf
Frequently asked questions about AEA finances #Finances #2010Conference #Frequently #answers #AEA #and #about #Asked #Questions #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics
AEA FAQs & As.pdf
Ever read an evaluation report and been none the wiser about whether the whole program was a waste of money or not? Or one that didn't actually answer any useful questions of key importance to decision makers? What if evaluations actually asked evaluative questions and gave clear, evaluative...
Actionable answers AEA 2009.pdf
An evaluation’s findings may be more relevant, credible, and useful when a wide range of stakeholders are involved in developing its guiding questions. In this practical guide, FSG notes that soliciting input from stakeholders early in the evaluation design process addresses specific stakeholder...
Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2001). Creating Valid Answer Categories: Tipsheet #59, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research and developed by Nancy Ellen...
Tipsheet 59.pdf