Wednesday, October 16
Session 8: Established and Emerging Evaluation Foci: Revisiting Technology Assessments and Exploring Blogs and Automation
Laurel Haak, ORCID
Methods for Designing Technology Assessments
Virginia Chanley and Umesh Thakkar, United States Government Accountability Office
Katherine Catevenis, Lindsey Sam Ryan, Nicole Garbarini, David Rosen, Michael Dorsey, Katrina Pearson, Megan Columbus, and Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Ilya Ponomarev, Pawel Sulima, Unni Jensen, and Joshua Schnell, Thomson Reuters
Jodi Basner, Discovery Logic, a Thomson Reuters Business
Karen Jo and Nicole Moore, National Institutes of Health
Session 33: Evaluation of Research Process and Impact: A Continuum of Methods Utilized in Evaluating the Clinical and Translational Science Awards
Chair: Adrienne Zell, Oregon Health and Sciences University
Adrienne Zell, Lindsey Smith, and David Dilts, Oregon Health and Sciences University
Documenting Complex Workflows and Providing Recommendations for Streamlining: An Analysis of Regulatory Approval Processes at the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
Jeff Proctor and Kathryn Nearing, University of Colorado at Denver
Evaluation Approaches and the Promotion of an Evaluative Culture: Lessons Learned in a CTSA Context
Barbara Thomas, University of Michigan
Promoting Translational Science through Pilot Projects: Using a Mixed-Method Return on Investment (ROI) Approach with 400 Studies Funded from 2008-2012 through NC TraCS (UNC Clinical and Translational Science Award)
Rita O'Sullivan, Mary Beth Lister, and Jessie Montana Cain, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kathryn Nearing and Will Paterson, University of Colorado at Denver
Thursday, October 17
Session 111: New Perspectives on Research and Development Evaluation Systems for Performance Goal-centered Evaluation in Korea
Chair: Sang Youb Lee, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
The Performance Management and Evaluation System of National Research and Development (R&D) Programs in Korea
Ilhwan Lee and Su Youn Kim, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Junghoe Bae and Bongrak Lee, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP)
New Measures for Evaluation System of Government-funded Research Institutes (GRIs) in Korea
Woo Chul Chai and Mee Kim, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
A New Approach for Strengthening Research and Development (R&D) Capacity in SMEs: A Case Study on National R&D Programs in Korea
Jae-Ho Shin, Ilhwan Lee, and Munsang Kang, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
In-depth Evaluation of Horizontal Science and Technology (S&T) Labor Force Programs in Korea: A Case Study of Active Labor Market Policies (ALMP) Related Programs
Heekweon Lee, Mee Kim, and Ji-Eun Lim, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Session 151: Impact of Farmer Research Group Interventions on Maize Farmers in Central Rift Valley of Oromia: An Empirical Study
Presenter: Wole kinati Wakjira, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Session 166: Promoting Regional Research and Development (R&D) Innovation through Evaluation: Perspectives From Europe and Argentina
Chair: Juan Rogers, Georgia Institute of Technology
Evaluating the Use of Peer Review in the Development of Regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation
Ruslan Rakhmatullin, European Commission
Eliseo Monti, Susana Mirassou, Hernán Trebino, Patricia Arnozis, and José Portillo, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
Chair: Gretchen Jordan, 360 Innovation LLC
Gretchen Jordan, 360 Innovation LLC
Rosalie Ruegg, TIA Consulting Inc.
Jonathan Mote, George Washington University
Session 300: Theory and Methods to Assess Collaborations and Interdisciplinary Research
Chair: Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Arsev Aydinoglu, NASA Astrobiology Institute
Chad Mitchell and Suzie Allard, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
A Model for Collaboration in Clinical Research Studies
Richard Fabsitz, Jean Olson, Mona Puggal, Kara Hall, Matthew Eblen, and Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Michael Coplen, Rick Kowalewski, Joe Carra, and John Tunna, United States Department of Transportation
Bill Valdez, United States Department of Energy
Stephen Godwin, The National Academies
Friday, October 18
Session 426: Strategic Research Program Evaluation to Realize Outcomes Toward Impacts for Innovation in Japan
Chair: Naoto Kobayashi, Waseda University
Discussant: Osamu Nakamura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Chugoku
An Improved Approach of Evaluation of Research and Development in AIST
Masaharu Takahashi, Chieko Kifune, Hitoshi Akimichi, Tooru Ikgami, Hidenori Endo, and Kanji Ueda, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Strategic Evaluation of Regional Bases of AIST (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) to Meet the Impacts for Innovation
Osamu Nakamura and Shinichi Matsui, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Chugoku
Naoto Kobayashi, Waseda University
Yoshiko Yurugi, Masaru Yamashita, Sayaka Shishido, Tomonaga Yoshida, and Mituru Takeshita, NEDO
Sayaka Shishido, Masaru Yamashita, Tomonaga Yoshida, Yoshiko Yurugi, and Mituru Takeshita, NEDO
Session 481: Analytic Methods Applied to Research Project Publication Data to Assess Either Collaboration or Productivity
Chair: James Corrigan, National Institutes of Health
Matthew Eblen, Katherine Catevenis, Richard Fabsitz, Jean Olson, Katrina Pearson, Mona Puggal, Deepshikha RoyChowdhury, and Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Duane Williams, Leo DiJoseph, and Joshua Schnell, Thomson Reuters
James Corrigan, Danielle Daee, Elizabeth Hsu, and Lawrence Solomon, National Institutes of Health
Session 586: Evaluating Biomedical Research Training Programs: Examples From the National Institutes of Health
Chair: Julie Mason, National Institutes of Health
Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Jack Mills, Independent Consultant
Jennifer Sutton, Deepshikha Roychowdhury, Cassandra Spears, Katrina Pearson, and Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Jessica Faupel-Badger, National Institutes of Health
Where Are They Now? Tracking Long Term Trainee Outcomes at the National Institutes of Health
Helena Kennedy, National Institutes of Health
Clinical Research/Reproductive Scientist Training (CREST): Qualitative Evaluation of a Research Training Program
Sarah Glavin and Jamelle Banks, National Institutes of Health
Mary Dufour, Nekisha Lakins, Margaret Blasinsky, and Jack E. Scott, The Madrillon Group Inc.
Session 612: Assessing the Contributions of Research Capacity and Innovation to Outcomes and Impacts
Chair: Brian Zuckerman, Science and Technology Policy Institute
Discussant: Kathryn Graham, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions
Haijun Zheng, Zhongcheng Guan, Biaoxiang Wang, and Jianmei Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Session 636: Evaluating Research Portfolios I: An Analytical Perspective
Chair: Robin Wagner, National Institutes of Health
Discussant: Nicholas Vonortas, George Washington University
Rosalie Ruegg, TIA Consulting Inc.
Peter Linquiti, George Washington University
Alan Porter, Georgia Institute of Technology
Worth more than you think: Non Gaussian Behavior of R&D Projects and its Implications to Portfolio Management
Jonathan Linton, University of Ottawa
Sebastien Casault, University of Twente
Session 691: Evaluating Research Portfolios II: A Practitioner's Perspective
Chair: Nicholas Vonortas, George Washington University
Discussant: Jonathan Linton, University of Ottawa
A Policymaker's Perspective on Portfolio Management of Federal Research and Development
Kei Koizumi, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Science of Science Policy & Portfolio Evaluation
Bill Valdez, United States Department of Energy
Portfolio Analysis at the National Institutes of Health
George Santangelo, National Institutes of Health
Colleen Duggan and Amy Etherington, International Development Research Centre
Saturday, October 19
Session 746: A Methodology to Develop Logic Maps for Basic Research Funding Programs
Shannon Griswold, Alexandra Medina-Borja, and Konstantinos Triantis, National Science Foundation
Kathryn Graham and Heidi Chorzempa, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions
Session 977: New Data and New Approaches for Assessment of Emerging Technologies: World Wide Web, Social Media and "In-Depth" Bibliometrics
Chair: Juan Rogers, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jan Youtie and Sanjay Arora, Georgia Institute of Technology
Philip Shapira, Manchester University
Sanjay Arora, Georgia Institute of Technology
Alan Porter, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yi Zhang and Xiao Zhuo, Beijing Institute of Technology
Juan Rogers, Georgia Institute of Technology