Session ID 1743: Development of a comprehensive logic model of school evaluation in Japan: With consideration for psychological outcomes affecting successful implementation.

10-23-2020 09:29

        Since school evaluation was legally institutionalized in Japan, school organizations have been exhausted because of the additional works for evaluation, and the evaluation is ineffectively implemented to improve the school administrations. In order to implement the effective school evaluation, it requires the awareness of the psychological aspects of the stakeholders (teachers, students and parents) which is associated with their motivation to participate in continuous organizational improvement with using the evaluation results.

        Therefore, in this study, first, some key psychological outcomes related to school evaluation (e.g., awareness, expectation, self-efficacy, or empowerment) were extracted from the literature review.

        Using psychological outcomes, this study proposes a comprehensive logic model of school evaluation in Japan which maximizes stakeholder involvement in school organizations. It is concluded that an effective school evaluation should consider enhancing such psychological elements on every aspects of program inputs, activities, and outputs to produce successful outcomes.

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Since school evaluation was legally institutionalized in Japan, school organizations have been exhausted because of the additional works for evaluation, and the evaluation is ineffectively implemented to improve the school administrations. In order to implement the effective school evaluation, it requires the awareness of the psychological aspects of the stakeholders (teachers, students and parents) which is associated with their motivation to participate in continuous organizational improvement with using the evaluation results. Therefore, in this study, first, some key psychological outcomes related to school evaluation (e.g., awareness, expectation, self-efficacy, or empowerment) were extracted from the literature review. Using psychological outcomes, this study proposes a comprehensive logic model of school evaluation in Japan which maximizes stakeholder involvement in school organizations. It is concluded that an effective school evaluation should consider enhancing such psychological elements on every aspects of program inputs, activities, and outputs to produce successful outcomes.

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