There are many benefits of joining the Independent Consulting Topical Interest Group (IC TIG)
IC TIG Discussion Board - This is open to AEA members who, upon renewing their annual membership, choose the Independent Consulting TIG. It's a great tool for IC TIG members to exchange information, pose questions, generate discussion, ask for help, and let each other know about time sensitive events opportunities, and RFPs. You can post on the forum itself or simply reply via email. To test how welcoming our e-group is, just send a message saying that you're new to the group and watch what happens next!
IC TIG Newsletter - Sent to IC TIG members via the Discussion board, the newsletter provides news on thought provoking topics, highlights TIG members, informs members about TIG activities, and more!
e-Library - In order to view and contribute to the eLibrary, you must be a paid AEA member and a member of the Independent Consulting TIG. This is a repository for documents of a more permanent nature, such as helpful articles, websites, toolkits, presentation materials from the AEA Conference and other evaluation gatherings, both past and present. Items that are time sensitive should not be placed in the eLibrary. Nor is this the place to post resumes or RFPs.
Mentoring - The IC TIG offers an opportunity to form informal mentoring relationships with colleagues.
Annual Networking Dinner - Fun, informal, get-together at a local restaurant generally held after our business meeting at annual AEA conference.
Facebook Page - Like the "AEA Independent Consulting TIG" on Facebook to get connected with resources and updates that are relevant to independent consultants.
LinkedIn Group - Request to join our exclusive LinkedIn group, a more casual setting than our Discussion forum where small victories, little humors, and other news can be shared.