A newsletter by Meaningful Evidence, LLC to share findings of the Howard University PAC-Involved project evaluation with student participants. AEA 2015 conference. #STEMEducationandTraining #EvaluationUse #STEM #studentengagement #evaluationreporting
ME newsletter Final Edits Nov 7.pdf
One-page handout about Meaningful Evidence's evaluation of the Howard University PAC-Involved project, a STEM Education Topical Interest Group Exemplar Evaluation for the American Evaluation Association 2015 Conference (Chicago, November 2015). #SystemsinEvaluation #ProgramDesign ...
PAC-Involved Evaluation handout AEA2015.pdf
Poster for AEA2015 To engage “Internet Generation” (born post-2000) students in STEM, we need new pedagogical models. For the PAC (Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology)-Involved pilot project, we developed and tested an innovative learning model to engage under-represented high school students in...
poster new model.pdf
In an era of rising accountability, retention rates of graduate programs have come under scrutiny and student affairs professionals are being asked to help graduate students at increasing rates. In particular, Graduate Higher Education has done little to assess and understand graduate students'...
The University of Minnesota's Evaluation Studies program has always stressed the importance of gaining real-world evaluation experience. At the Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute (MESI), students are not only given the mandate of internships/field experiences, but the assistance, support,...
AEA 2013 MESI Murphy Presentation.pdf
Slides for Demonstration Session 548 (AEA 2013), Friday, 10/18, 1:45-2:30 pm, Columbia 1. Abstract: Frequently in evaluation settings we encounter situations where participants belong to multiple clusters (e.g., schools or classrooms) over the course of study. Student mobility between schools...
2 attachments
Basic description and url for the UT Austin Instructional Assessment Resources (IAR) Web site #technology #HowTo #Assessment #student #evaluation #instructional #teaching #AssessmentinHigherEducation #program #assess
Instructional Assessment Resources (IAR) Web site info.pdf
This interactive demonstration introduces a new method of utilizing assessment data to identify instructional and program effectiveness, starting with a four-quadrant approach. Participants will learn ways to make maximal use of data to help teachers improve their craft by applying a graphic,...