The panel illustrates some of the key observations gleaned through its application of program evaluation and Lean. In addition the panel illustrates the inextricable elements of program design, evaluation design, and information design are best embodied by a full integrated approach of these...
Session 1921 Evaluation into Lean.pdf
Three presentations as they were presented at AEA 2015 for the session, "Meaningful Evaluation in the Context of Schools" on Fri, Nov 13, 2015 (03:30 PM - 04:15 PM). 1. Holistically Evaluating Teacher Professional Development 2. Rapid Cycles of Evaluation for School Improvement 3. School...
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This presentation for Eval 2013 examines the evolving role of an internal evaluator leading a collaborative effort that applied rapid tests of change to improve client outcomes in a public mental health setting. The Recovery Model represents a paradigm shift in community mental health that...
Materials for skil-building session presented at 2013 AEA Conference in Washington DC. #bogatova #valuestream #lean #processflow #processimprovement #Instruments #miller
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This intermediate demonstration session describes a process for developing program quality indicators and feeding data back to local programs as well as state, federal, or foundation funders in large-scale, multi-site programs. Using the evaluation of the Michigan 21st Century Community Learning...
21st CCLC Demonstration Session AEA 2012.pptx
These documents describe and present a tool to assess an organization's monitoring and evaluation standards. This was created for a decentralized health development organization (Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University) working in 45 countries and a diverse monitoring and evaluation...
This interactive demonstration introduces a new method of utilizing assessment data to identify instructional and program effectiveness, starting with a four-quadrant approach. Participants will learn ways to make maximal use of data to help teachers improve their craft by applying a graphic,...
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