There is no such thing as a perfect evaluation! Most evaluations are fraught with challenges, yet a thoughtful evaluator can navigate these challenges successfully, preventing some and resolving others as they arise. This workshop was designed to help evaluation practitioners develop a proactive mindset when addressing evaluation challenges. *** Just added the file containing PARTICIPANT INPUT from the workshop. Also added announcement of CDC Asthma Program Evaluation webinars (including recordings of past webinars). *** Initial handouts posted include: (1) a PowerPoint slideset, (2) agenda for workshop and three exercise worksheets, and (3) a handout describing how to access the materials on which the workshop was based. These materials are now available as Module 2 of "Learning and Growing Through Evaluation" on the CDC National Asthma Control Program website at: eval/guide.htm. *** Contact Joanne Abed, Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation at 703-751-7617 with questions and comments
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See matching library entry files - Tom acknowledges the reality that few programs h...