This panel explored the approaches used by U.S. universities to train graduate students in evaluation, and transition strategies to help students/new evaluators design their careers. All seven distinguished panelists have served in AEA leadership positions
2016 AEA Transitioning Students Bernstein.pptx
PowerPoint presentation for Multipaper Session 897 Evaluating Teacher Professional Development: Contexts and Methods #Evaluation2009 #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation
Davis AEA 2009 110209.ppt
One of the program's goals is to encourage participants to explore and pursue careers in STEM fields
Gorges_Measuring Subtle Shifts_AEA 2009_public.pdf
After sharing examples of my responsibilities each affiliate, I shared the top 10 ways that connecting with affiliates will benefit your evaluation career. I concluded by sharing tips for getting involved with affiliates
Women are significantly underrepresented in IT education paths and careers and many programs aim to increase girls’ interest to address this disparity
Promising Practices for Engaging Girls in IT.pdf
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We encourage participants to discuss their ideas for future improvements, spread, and evaluation of the model to benefit more students and ultimately diversify the pipeline of students in STEM careers. #studentengagement #STEM #formativeevaluation #EvaluationUse #theory #ProgramDesign #innovation
poster new model.pdf
In an era of rising accountability, retention rates of graduate programs have come under scrutiny and student affairs professionals are being asked to help graduate students at increasing rates. In particular, Graduate Higher Education has done little to assess and understand graduate students'...
These are panel presentations made during Evaluation 2009 for the session listed above. #Evaluation2009 #K-12 #education #2009Conference #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #Youth #Science
4 attachments
The three-year Learning through Engineering Design and Practice program (funded by the National Science Foundation) offers seventh and eighth grade students non-formal education experiences. The program includes an after-school component where participants learn engineering and information...