#CampusSafety #eval14 #NeedsA #Crime #2014Conference #GIS #dataviz #GeographicInformationSystems
AEA 2014 Campus Safety - Data Visualization 101014 mmf notes.pdf
Performance measurement and reporting systems (PMRS) housed in web-based management information systems are widely used in the public sector to improve accountability and inform decision making. Periodic evaluation of these systems ensures effective performance measurement. This panel...
This eLibrary entry contains the handout that accompanies this presentation. In this session presenters will share approaches and examples of how to incorporate innovative data and information visualization techniques throughout each stage of the evaluation life cycle to support participatory...
In this session presenters will share approaches and examples of how to incorporate innovative data and information visualization techniques throughout each stage of the evaluation life cycle to support participatory evaluation and build evaluation capacity. In the planning and design phase mind...
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Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2002) Evaluating Sources of Information: Tipsheet #14, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research and developed by Nancy Ellen...
Tipsheet 14.pdf