This session, presented by AEA's representative to IOCE and EvalPartners (Mike Hendricks), AEA's president for 2017 (Kathryn Newcomer), and AEA's Executive Director (Denise Roosendaal), describes the 13 actions AEA is taking to support the brand-new Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020. #IWG ...
This session explores how case studies can be used to document the process and outcomes of community health initiatives to showcase the work being done in the community and serve as a model for others taking on similar work. Presenters will focus on three different case studies recently...
FINAL Case Studies Presentation.pdf
The nominal group technique (NGT) is a valuable small group technique that has many possible applications for M&E professionals, particularly those working in needs assessment. NGT has many uses, including data collection, prioritization, facilitating decision making, building consensus, cross...
2 attachments
An AEA local affiliate tested a study group model of professional development in which organizers did not have high expertise at the beginning. The topic of learning was organizational network theory and evaluation. Attendees met monthly for 8 months. We evaluated the course through an on-line...
Testing an Unusual Model of Professional Development.pdf
Session Description: This popular and well-received workshop will familiarize participants with the management of the group facilitation process and a variety of group facilitation techniques. Participants will learn best practices for navigating group dynamics and capitalizing on challenging...