"Mixed mode" surveying has become a buzzword in survey research circles. This presentation highlights the benefits and challenges of mixed-mode surveying, including effects on response rates, coverage, measurement error, and validity
Mixing Modes to Maximize Results AEA Presentation.ppt
Participation rate is typically recognized in the literature as one of the factors that can adversely impact the strength of survey research data. This presentation describes the techniques utilized to improve participation rate in a large, university-wide assessment of institutional engagement
Improving Response Rates for Multiple Populations.pptx
Webinar description: Using the Fantastic Five Checklist to Write Better Survey Questions and Improve Survey Reliability - Amy Germuth Amy Germuth, founder and President of EvalWorks, LLC, an independent evaluation and survey research firm, will demonstrate how to use five key questions to improve the reliability, validity, and value of the responses you get from individual survey questions
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Likert type scales are common in survey research. Research suggests Likert type scales should utilize four to seven response options
Stuck in the Middle.ppt
For a number of years, the United Way of Greater Houston (UWGH) has facilitated affinity groups of agencies in the same services field to evaluate common outcomes. Among these affinity groups have been those providing services to victims of domestic and sexual violence (six agencies with about...
Pencil Versus Keyboard_CMedits.pptx
This paper’s purpose is to describe an innovative longitudinal survey to advance the validity of evaluation efforts for disciplines in higher education institutions that are under pressure to increase the vocational aspects of their programs. A lack of understanding about how majors search for...
First 5 Monterey County implemented a longitudinal parent interview evaluation study that allowed evaluators to look at how the relationship between social and economic family characteristics and program and child outcomes changed over one year. The study involved the administration of a parent...
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Her technical expertise encompasses: project management; proposal development; evaluation design and budgeting; needs assessment; field and survey research; telephone and in-person interviews; group facilitation and training; quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis; and evaluation reporting
Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2002). A Phone Interview: Steps To Increase Response From Your Target Audience. Tipsheet #67, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current...
Tipsheet 67.pdf
Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2002).Volunteer Interviewers in a Phone Interview: What To Consider. Tipsheet #65, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research...
Tipsheet 65.pdf